Letter to Press Herald: Ban Coyote Killing Contests

A letter that I wrote advocating for a ban of coyote killing contests in Maine has just been published in the Portland Press Herald! I wrote this as part of a letter writing campaign by the volunteers for Maine Friends of Animals, as banning coyote killing contests is one of the organizations’ main focuses for…

A letter that I wrote advocating for a ban of coyote killing contests in Maine has just been published in the Portland Press Herald! I wrote this as part of a letter writing campaign by the volunteers for Maine Friends of Animals, as banning coyote killing contests is one of the organizations’ main focuses for this year. The letter can be found at this link, and is also linked on the Maine Environmental News website. I hope that this helps to bring more attention to this issue, even if others do not share my same views on the subject. It is important for the public in Maine to be educated about.